Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

After much deliberation, we have finally gotten our TrEe! This year we were unsure whether we should get a fake tree or a real tree. Eric's family has a fake tree and my family has a real tree. Well we looked around at some fake ones and didn't really find one that we liked, so we decided to go with the real thing...and here it is....

I love the Christmas season so much and it is probably my favorite time of year. Eric and I love to drive around at night and look at ChRiStmAs LiGhtS, its just so magical with all of the snow everywhere. But another thing I love is to decorate my home with all sorts of Christmas decor. Because of this, I tend to go a little overboard with the decorations and GifTs. I just cant resist going to all of those cute decorating stores and buying something. Well here are just a few things that I have done around the house to help us get into the sPirIt of the season...Tatum even has his own nativity!

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