Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

I just wanted to do a quick post for Valentines Day. When Eric and I were dating we always thought that Valentines Day was kind of a dumb holiday. Eric thought that there shouldn't be just one day out of the year that you do nice things for your "SwEeTheArT"...that you should do these things everyday. Well on this day 3 years ago our minds changed about this holiday. Today we celebrate the anniversary of our EngAgeMenT!! It is kind of nice to know that today we don't just do nice things for each other because thats what society wants us to do...we have a reason to celebrate!
Lately I have been complaining that none of my clothes fit me and that I need to go shopping. Well today Eric surprised me with a much needed shopping spree!!! I am so excited...this is the perfect gift. Eric is the best husband, he is too good to me... even when I don't deserve it! I am so happy to have him in my life and look forward to an EteRnitY with him! I love you babe!!

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